???? زائر
| موضوع: How to be a good English teacher الأربعاء 13 يناير 2010, 6:09 am | |
| Alsalam Alykoum If you want to be a good English teacher , you should think of three stages : *1-Pre-teaching ( your preparation to the lesson and students’ interaction and reaction )Most of our teachers neglect the first stage (pre-teaching) which I consider the most important stage because it helps you to be a self-confident teacher.You shouldn’t only prepare your lessons but also prepare yourself well to students’ expected and unexpected reactions and interaction . This makes students trust you and creates motivation from students for learning and prevents some problems dealing with discipline inside the classroom. *2-While-teaching (everything will happen inside the classroom )*3-Post-teaching(self-evaluation)*****We will deal with all these stages in detail later.Actions that teachers take in first lessons:1-Introduce yourself.2-Students introduce themselves or each otheror learn something about each other.3-Establish a particular classroom atmosphere :cooperative and respectful.4-Learn about learners’ expectations.5-Establish a code of classroom conduct( acceptable behaviours , etc ).You and your students can set classroom rules because if the rules come from the students , they will be more willing to follow them then write the rules on a large sheet of paper and hung it in the classroom. This point is very important because it deals with classroom management which I will put it forward later .Note: What are your suggestions to maintain discipline inside classroom and what will you do if a student breaks the rules?6-Present the course :point out important information about course content ,ways of working , assessment.7-Pre-test students to assess their proficiency level.with my best wishes[url=http://www.egyscholars.com/vb/showthread.php?t=6341][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] |